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Updated on 23rd November, 2011

Paris in the rain

Updated on 22nd November, 2011

Триумфальная арка

Dreaming of Venice

Дорожка на небеса любви


Башня Монпарнас.Париж.

Updated on 21st November, 2011

Eiffel Tower

В саду Дианы.Замок Шенонсо.

Собо́р Пари́жской Богома́тери

Updated on 20th November, 2011

Площадь Согласия

Замок Шамбор.

Updated on 18th November, 2011

Дом Инвалидов

Вечерний Париж.

Updated on 17th November, 2011

Эйфелева башня

Updated on 16th November, 2011

Эйфелева башня

Королевское ложе Людовика XIV в Версале (Франция)


Updated on 14th November, 2011

Эйфелева башня

Парк Тюильри

башня в огнях


Эйфелева башня

Updated on 13th November, 2011

площадь Трокадеро

Александровский мост, Сена, Париж...

Updated on 12th November, 2011

долина Луары

Palais Royal, Musée du Louvre

Updated on 11th November, 2011

долина Луары


Updated on 10th November, 2011

Ночной город

замок Шамбор

Updated on 9th November, 2011

Мон Сан Мишель

Блок-Хед (Голова-Куб) здание библиотеки в Ницце

Вид из любимого кафе

замок Шенонсо

Updated on 8th November, 2011

Набережная в Париже

Без названия

замок Шамбор

Любимый город


Панорама Парижа (вид с Эйфелевой башни)

Updated on 7th November, 2011


замок Шенонсо

Один из символов города

аэропорт страсбурга

необыкновенный посетитель

Анси. Французская Венеция

Updated on 6th November, 2011



Шикарный вид на любимый город



собор страсбурга


Мулен Руж

Эффекты :)

Updated on 5th November, 2011

Перст указующий и нимб над головой....

ракурс с Э. башни

Маленькая история большого города

Набережная Сены. Инь и янь


Вечер в Париже


Ночной Париж

Updated on 1st November, 2011

вечерняя Ницца


замок Амбуаз

Безумие Парижа во мне


Updated on 31st October, 2011

Нотр-Дам де Пари


Лион. Франция. Вид изнутри

Baie de Somme


Updated on 30th October, 2011

Notre Dame de Paris

на елисейских полях


Париж, я люблю тебя.

France Dinan

Собор Парижской Богоматери


Updated on 29th October, 2011

Фото на память


France-Saint-Anne d'Auray


Лурд базилика

Updated on 28th October, 2011

Лурд вид на крепость


Notre Dame Stained Glass Window

Лазурный берег. Ницца

Updated on 27th October, 2011

Прогулки Орлеаном.....

Лурд крепость

Night Strassburg

В музее

Эйфелева башня

Updated on 26th October, 2011


Бедная Лиза

Эйфелева башня

Небо Франции

Updated on 25th October, 2011

маленькие радости


streets of Paris

Бухта в Кассис

street band

Река Сена в Париже с высоты птичьего полёта

Французский город Ангелов
France, officially the French Republic, is a country located in Western Europe, with several overseas islands and territories located on other continents. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. It is often referred to as L’Hexagone ("The Hexagon") because of the geometric shape of its territory. France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its main ideals expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
Metropolitan France is bordered (clockwise from the north) by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. France's overseas departments and collectivities also share land borders with Brazil and Suriname (bordering French Guiana), and the Netherlands Antilles (bordering Saint-Martin). France is linked to the United Kingdom by the Channel Tunnel, which passes underneath the English Channel.
France is the largest country in the European Union and the second largest in Europe. France has been a major power for many centuries with strong economic, cultural, military and political influence. During the 17th and 18th centuries, France colonized much of North America; during the 19th and early 20th centuries, France built the third largest empire of the time, including large portions of North, West and Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and many Pacific islands. France is a developed country and possesses the fifth largest[12] economy by nominal GDP and eighth largest[13] economy by purchasing power parity. It is the most visited country in the world, receiving 82 million foreign tourists annually.[14] France is one of the founding members of the European Union, and has the largest land area of all members. It is also a founding member of the United Nations, and a member of the Francophonie, the G8, NATO, OECD, WTO and the Latin Union. It is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and possesses the largest number of nuclear weapons with active warheads and nuclear power plants in the European Union.
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